Purple Table PLLC

~a unique combination of treatment for holistic wellness~

Maryann Sucich-Massari is a Nationally Certified Speech-Language Pathologist, and is licensed in NYS as a Speech-Language Pathologist, and Teacher of Speech & Hearing Handicapped who is also a NYS licensed Massage Therapist (MA CCC-SLP/TSHH/LMT).  Other credentials include, but are not limited to training in P.R.O.M.P.T, NOMAS (Neonatal Oral-Motor Assessment Scale), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Master Level Reiki.  She has worked with the pediatric population for over ten years.  

Maryann believes each child is unique and should be treated as specified for his/her individual needs.  She prides herself on the many "tools in her toolbox" which allow her to treat each child in this capacity.

Although there are many ways to treat, her true passion is Myofascial Release (MFR).

Initially studied as a way to manage her own migraine headaches, Myofascial Release (MFR) is one of Maryann's highly successful and unique ways to address her clients' needs.


Myofascial Release (MFR)

Speech and Language Therapy (P.R.O.M.P.T., Links to Language, Oral Motor, Beckman Protocol...)

Feeding Therapy (Sensory, Behavioral, Structural)

Emotional Freedom Technique  (EFT/Tapping)


Demonstrations in home/office (with signed release)

Consults (home/office/school) 

Essential Oils - DoTerra



Experience treating:  Infants/Children/Adults - Families             

- A healthy family is a happy family -



Um….hi! So, how’s it goin’? It’s been some year, hasn’t it? No, wait, it’s been much longer than that. (That works-seems a good place to start) This is my first Blog, so bear with me through the awkward stage. Nice to meet you, my name is Maryann…I’m not really a people person (nope, probably not a great way to start). What I’m trying to say is I think we all have something in common -it’s been a LONG couple of years. Socially, I have retreated a bit, some because of being a decent [rule] follower but more so for protecting my own self-worth and connecting to what is important to me. I am a professional, working with children with disabilities, without disabilities, and family wellness as a whole. I have been very fortunate throughout these couple of years to be working consistently. I am a mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt…the list goes on. Although selectively social, I can be pretty ‘chatty’. I have always loved writing and I continue to express myself best in the written form.

Through the past years (especially the last couple) I’ve read many blogs, articles, journals, listened to podcasts and I began to recognize what drew me in and what kept me returning. I have often looked to others for support (which is ok) and validation (which is not ok). I may not be a ‘people person’ but I was a pretty consistent people pleaser. Being isolated a bit has helped bring clarity to what’s important enough to make time for. We often wear our busy like a badge. I’ve made a lot more time for quiet (with 3 little people that is certainly not easy) and how I do that looks different every day. Some days it’s going to bed early, others it’s staying up late, walking with a friend, an actually hot (well, let’s be real, warm) cup of coffee but the common denominator is allowing life to slow down. The quiet allows answers, clarity and peace from what it is that you are connected to . I have a very strong faith and hear God in those times and learned many lesson.

Those blogs I return to often make me laugh, teach me something at a deeper level, or bring to light something that I may not of thought of before; realizing how many are really just sharing what they’re thinking, and learning to separate all of that. Even the ‘experts’ can only share that small portion of what they have spent so much of their time dissecting. It’s up to us to determine what’s worth our thoughts and time to dive into.

The wellness I practice and teach has so many different parts and I’m not sure how much will show up here. This isn’t meant to be so much a teaching space as it is a sharing space and hopefully inspiring. I think we all have things to teach and that we are learning up until our journey here on this planet is done (and then some). I may have been a people pleaser but rarely a follower. Trying to change my mind about something I believe in would be like stuffing a square peg in a round hole, which may be why the children I work with and I get along so well. My people pleasing has fallen by the wayside. I decided to keep my love of learning, writing and ‘chatting’. This space is born out of wanting to create a safe place in a confused world. I can’t promise it will be updated weekly (or monthly for that matter). I can promise that I will be here and will always be looking forward to meeting and speaking with you in the meantime. It’s safe to be connected, share what makes you ‘you’ and spread some kindness - a little kindness goes a long way.